We pride ourselves on serving our community. With 40 years of experience and a passion for treating patients young and old, we want you to feel confident in our abilities to diagnose, treat, and manage your condition.
For patients looking for online registration or intake forms, please scroll to the bottom of the page for further instruction.
What to Expect

Your Initial Visit
After completing some brief paperwork, you’ll sit down with one of our doctors to have a talk. A discussion of what brings you in and some quick questions about your condition go a long way in allowing the doctor to get a better idea of what’s going on with each individual patient.
Based on your answers, the doctor may recommend some further examination techniques that will be the most effective for the symptoms you are experiencing. Our doctors are trained to be as thorough as possible in their diagnostic approach; using orthopedic and neurologic testing along with traditional motion palpation assesments to try to find the root causes of your symptoms.
After concluding any necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor will review them with you and anyone that has come along on your visit. Unlike many other chiropractic offices, our doctors choose to treat patients (should chiropractic or acupuncture care be warranted) on the first visit. Before treatment, the doctor will discuss the technique they will use and try to walk you through their clinical reasoning. Outlining a treatment plan, you and the doctor will discuss management of your condition and whether or not follow-up visits will be necessary. Our front desk assistants will help you get set up for your next appointment and discuss insurance coverage or financial information with you.
We recommend you wear some comfortable clothing you can move around in to this appointment and plan on spending between 30 to 45 minutes (chiropractic) or 45 minutes to an hour (acupuncture) with us.

Follow-up Visits
Subsequent visits are typically shorter in duration. The doctors will discuss with you how you may have responded to initial treatment. Continuing with planned techniques or altering treatment to better suit your condition happens on each encounter with the doctor. In a typical treatment plan, once our patients and doctors feel that maximal clinical benefit has been achieved, patients are typically discharged from a treatment plan (sometimes with home exercises) and instructed to check back in should symptoms persist, worsen, or change in the near future.
As every patient's condition is different, treatment plans will be presented on either acute based care (short duration) or chronic / maintenance based care (long duration). Some spinal issues such as disc injuries and arthritic changes like spinal stenosis require ongoing care. Our doctors do their best to educate patients on the need for continued care and home exercise when necessary. Our goal of quick and lasting relief of pain is a shared one.

Patient Intake Forms
You may fill out our online registration information and request an appointment through the icon on the right. We will contact you at the number you provide
You can call our office to make and appointment and you can fill out paperwork at home before your visit. Please download the PDF link and complete all forms to the best of your ability. Please bring all forms with you to your appointment.