evidence-based chiropractic and acupuncture
about our practice
At Minster Chiropractic Center, our primary focus is on relief of pain, particularly spine pain and its related conditions. We provide comprehensive care for back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, arm pain, leg pain, and injuries to the body from a car accident, sports injury or other cause. For over 37 years, we have been striving to provide our community with the most researched and effective chiropractic techniques, working along side other medical professionals in our area to assure our patients receive evidence-based care. We pride ourselves on being patient-oriented and responsive to your needs be they about your health and healing, insurance filing, or appointment making
One in 3 people in the U.S. suffers back pain at any moment in time, and studies show that 80% of the population will suffer back pain at some time in their lives. Spine pain takes away your quality of life, and when it does, you want and deserve your pain-free life back as gently, effectively, and quickly as possible. We can help.